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4 Cups fresh Plums chopped (Golden or Red Plums will work)
3 quarter of a cup of Brown Sugar
Quarter of a cup Balsamic Vinegar
1.5 tsp Mustard
1.5 tsp Ginger
1.5 tsp Allspice
Quarter of a cup of finely sliced Onion
Quarter of a cup of finely chopped Red Pepper
1 chopped Garlic Clove
Half a finely chopped Jalapeno Pepper
1 tsp Salt
Step 1
This couldn't be easier!
All you need to do is add all of the ingredients into a heavy saucepan and heat on a medium / low heat.
As the plums warm and release their juices, stir well then cover and simmer for about an hour stirring every now and then.
To finish. Blitz through a blender until thick and smooth then decant into steralised jars for storage.
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