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A Fresh Start

My love for Greek produce and cuisine is never ending. I've never been anywhere in the world that tastes, smells and looks better than the Greek islands. This is my appetizer for the start of your meal in Greece.

Whether you want to go and catch the fish yourself, buy the ingredients to create something or just stroll to a taverna or restaurant to enjoy their tempting menus you will never be disappointed with the choice available in Greece especially the islands. The food is healthy, normally locally sourced and plentiful. You can find many international options in restaurants as well but I would always advise to order local where you can.

Eating and dining is at the heart of Greek culture. Sure the sun, beaches, shopping, architecture and historical sites are fine but you are not really experiencing Greece until you have sat for a whole afternoon and evening drinking and eating with friends and family old and new. Dining here should be viewed as more of a social event that a quick lunch or grabbing a supper. Greek food is to be shared, enjoyed and definitely not rushed. Quite often the dishes will arrive fresh as they are cooked and ready not always in the order you may have envisaged but stick with it, it's all part of the charm.

Depending on where you are in Greece, appetizers differ but you will normally be given a basket of bread on arrival with your menu. One of my favourite dips to enjoy with your bread is tzatziki, a fresh yoghurt, cucumber and dill dip (There is a great classic tatziki recipe on my food page for you to try). There are normally various other dips as well to choose from and a good selection of salads.

Other classic delicious appetizers you must try try are dolmadakia (rice stuffed vine leave parcels normally with a lemon egg sauce drizzled over), Baked feta (prepared in the oven with tomatoes and peppers and usually, if you are lucky a touch of spicy heat to it), and a garlic sauce called skordalia (a puree of potato, garlic, olive oil & vinegar that is normally served with fried cod, bakaliaros or beetroot). These appetizers are usually served in portions more than ample for two to share.

Another wonderful way to eat as a sharing option is to have an ouzo or tispero meze. This is where you will order a measure or small bottle of tispero or ouzo which will be accompanied by a meze dish of the tavernas choosing. This is one of my favourite ways to eat with friends and deserves to be a post of its own to come soon!

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